IF created as a media tie-in - an IFDB Poll

by Felix Pleșoianu
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Hello, everyone. I'm looking for IF pieces originally created as media tie-ins (i.e. as promotion/extras for a bigger project). The plan is to write an advocacy piece, but only two examples spring to mind: Emily Short's City of Secrets, and Christopher Huang's Peterkin Investigates trilogy.

Outright adaptations of existing work from other media, such as The Hobbit or H2G2, don't count for my purposes. Thank you.

Edit: the article I mentioned is now live at https://teleread.org/2016/10/22/interactive-fiction-plays-well-as-a-media-tie-in/. Sorry for not quoting more of the excellent suggestions everyone made, but there were way too many links in there already. Thanks again!

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Zork: The Undiscovered Underground, by Marc Blank, Michael Berlyn, and G. Kevin Wilson
4 votes
"Released with Zork Grand Inquisitor" [+]"Released with Zork Grand Inquisitor: It obviously wasn't meant to be a stand-alone release, or it would have been much bigger and better. It's cheesy, in keeping with the general writing style of the early Zork titles." ( - Full review) --mjhayes... "Developed by..." [+]"Developed by Activision and released as a prequel to their graphical adventure "Zork: Grand Inquisitor." " --jakomo... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Xavid... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Nomad...

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Countdown 1: The Body, by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw
3 votes
"And its 2..." [+]"And its 2 sequels, released as teasers for, and designed to promote, the Yahtzee graphical adventure "6 Days A Sacrifice"." --jakomo... "Short promo games..." [+]"Short promo games for Croshaw's graphical adventure game series "The Chzo Mythos"" --Christina Nordlander... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Denk...

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Thy Dungeonman, by Videlectrix
3 votes
"Spin-off from..." [+]"Spin-off from Strong Bad Email #94, part of the Homestar Runner comedy video series. With 2 sequels." --jakomo... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --IFforL2... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Xavid...

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City of Secrets, by Emily Short
2 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Felix Pleșoianu... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --prevtenet...

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Escape from the Man-Sized Cabinet, by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --CMG...

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The Barber of Sadville, by Tim Browse
1 vote
"The IT Crowd" [+]"The IT Crowd: Part of a puzzle trail created for the Series 2 DVD of The IT Crowd." --prevtenet...

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Interstellar Text Adventure, by Jordan Goldberg
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --CMG...

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Treasures of a Slaver's Kingdom, by S. John Ross
1 vote
"Promotional Work for Pen-and-Paper RPG" [+]"Promotional Work for Pen-and-Paper RPG: Created as a promotional tie-in for the Encounter Critical pen-and-paper RPG." --Ghalev...

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Ultimate Quest, by Emily Short
1 vote
"Not quite a media..." [+]"Not quite a media project per se, but it was meant to coincide with an NVIDIA launch." --verityvirtue...

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The Spare Set, by Rob Sherman / Shelter UK
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --CMG...

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Point Blank Blank, by Christopher Huang
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Felix Pleșoianu...

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Harrison Squared Dies Early, by Daryl Gregory
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --CMG...

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Labour's Letters Lost, by Christopher Huang
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Felix Pleșoianu...

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Mustard, Music, and Murder, by Christopher Huang
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Felix Pleșoianu...

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Is there another game that you think should be on this list? Just fill in the title of a game you'd like to vote for.
Game Title (or TUID or IFID):